And it came to pass that Simon P. Lucy wrote:

> On 21/01/2002 at 19:13 JTK wrote:
><delenda est>
>>And the swastika?  What about that?  Would there be anything
>>wrong with replacing Mozilla's "obviously not at all commie"
>>star with an "obviously not at all Nazi" swastika?  If so,
>>how so, thou hypocrite? 
> Your ignorance appears to have no bounds.  The swastika is a
> perfectly acceptable and ancient Hindu symbol, though its
> unlikely to occur to anyone as an icon for a web browser. 
> Whereas the swastika has acquired connotations in the last
> 70 years that would override its use in any other context, a
> star is simply a star as the State of Texas would seem to 
> suggest.  
> You seem to think in very narrowly defined categories and
> when challenged you retreat to abuse and irrelevancy.  You
> are, it is evident to all, simply a bully.  

Or as they say in the Lone Star state:  "He's all hat, and no 

}:-)       Christopher Jahn
{:-(         Dionysian Reveler
Well, Katrina likes it.
To reply: xjahnATyahooDOTcom

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