Regarding the domain indicator - I assume you mean the one that appears
adjacent to the padlock. I think that's great. However I'll give you
two reasons to allways display the the domain name.

1 One vector site-spoof attacks rely on is hiding the true domain name.

2 How many users look at the address bar all loaded up and say - umm
yeah I'm not a programmer, why are they showing me this nonsense. If
screen-space is so valuable (AND IT IS!!) then we might as well get rid
of stuff that doesn't help people, at least in the default setting.

How about if the address bar by default showsonly the domain-name and
the user can change that to be the current behavior. Further the domain
name only appears in the status-bar when TLS is in use and the domain
name of the site is in the certificate?

Regardingthe value of showing the organization name and country. I say
it's hard to know if "subbrand.sometld" is really owned and operated by
"mega-product company." Showing the domain name to the user does not
address this. Showing the name of the company may. Showing
"firstbankofsomewhere.sometld" is not as reliable as showing "First
Bank of Somewhere" as the organization name. This is especially true
when certificates are issued to enrollees who demonstrate control of a
domain at most.

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