On Wednesday 08 June 2005 16:38, Mike Shaver wrote:
> Ian G wrote:
> > Petname hasn't to my knowledge any testing done
> > in a proper sense on naive users.  Trustbar has,
> > and it shares the same roots in security theory.  The
> > results were positive, although the tests were done
> > in small numbers.  If testing were needed to go further
> > then this would be a good point to consider.
> I can't find the trustbar results, though I'll confess I only searched
> for a few minutes.  Can you point me at them?  I'm quite interested in
> reading them, and I suspect others here are as well.

Sure, the working reports is here:


Section 5 is their "tests" and 5.2 is how they presented
mock ups and watched for reactions.  As always, it's
no more than a start.

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