> I like this quote:
>  --start quote---
> According to Brandenburg, the ISO asked Fraunhofer to develop sample
> encoding and decoding software as a tool for industry to learn how to
> use MP3. The source code -- the underlying instructions -- for these
> programs was carelessly placed on an insecure university server, where
> it was later obtained by a hacker in Amsterdam known as
> SoloH. (Brandenburg says the download was not authorized but also not
> illegal.) Using SoloH's source code, coders across Europe and the
> United States wrote and gave away MP3 software of their own, creating
> -- without the participation of the music industry -- the base for
> today's explosion of online music.
>  --end quote---

For the last weeks, I have been pondering a subject for an essay I still needed
to write. These last few posts in this mailinglist, the vorbis mailinglist and
relative websites and articles have contributed tremendously to the juiciness
and spice of the topic I picked, namely something around MP3 and its patents
versus Vorbis... But this quote hits the spot. :) Thanks!


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