I saw a disturbing report tonight on the Register


which indicates hardware manufacturers may be set
to dump MP3 in favour of AAC.

Hard to estimate what kind of a threat S3's
adoption of AAC will pose for MP3 - but the
quality/filesize ratio is bound to have an effect
on people who use portable devices.

Has anyone seen any info on how AAC encoders are
to be licensed for individual/private use ?  I
imagine the format will be tightly controlled.

AOL's purchase of Nullsoft seemed a good omen for
MP3 but in view of the proposed merger with Time
Warner this might now cause some embarrassment.

As I use MP3 for just making my favourite CD
tracks available on my PC I'm not personally
concerned - the current Lame exe at 256 cbr is
probably overkill for my old ears and hard drives
are cheap :)

Still....I'd be interested in how others here view
the threat from Dolby.


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