Warren Toomey wrote:

On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 11:01:43PM -0500, Chizl wrote:

Only other option would be someone on the list is selling email or has their
own archive public for spammers to scrape.

I've searched Google and newsgroups without any finding of this email
address, so I'm guessing it would have to be someone within the list.

I guess it could be someone who has subscribed themselves to the list here, and is harvesting e-mail addresses that way. B**tards.

Don't forget that these days the bastards are resorting even to brute-forcing valid emails. They just don't care if they have to try 1 million addresses to get one...

One of my domains got brute-forced a year ago. I had to ask the webhosting provider to block and discard all email to my domain for 4 days until it stopped.

-- DoC

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