I have raised this before but since i has been raised agin, I thought
we should reflect on it.  I will give a WIndows perspective and leave
someone else to comment on GCC.

Include files

I have been assuming that include files are easy - but maybe not.
Windows does not build from within the  configure system but starts
all its operations from gmp-h.in.  This file is modified by adding
Windows specific inserts and the result is copied to mpir.h and gmp.h,
which are identical.  Right now I don't do anything about the C++
header since I am waiting for a decision on whether we wnat gmpxx.h,
mpirxx.h or both.

Note that I start from gmp-h.in, NOT mpir-h.in.

All I need for Windows is a clear source from which to build the
header files and a decision on which header files we will provide.


On WIndows there are a large number of builds - far too many to easily
accommodate.  The variations that are involved are:

1.  static library | DLL
2.  release | debug
3.  With or without MP support
4.  MSVC Library Linking (static, dynamic, release or debug)

Some people want binary names that encapsulate all these choices but I
have not been able to find an easy way of doing this.    So I don't
capture any of this in the names I use:

static libraries: mpir.lib (exe) and mpir.pdb (symbols)
DLLs: mpir.dll (dll), mpir.pdb (symbols), mpir.exp (exports) and
mpir.lib (stub library)

Having the same name for the static library and the DLL stub library
makes it easy to use either in applications.


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