That's interesting. My Cygwin uses (gcc -v):

gcc version 3.4.4 (cygming special, gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)

It looks like it was installed November 2007, so about 18 months old.
I've not done anything special to it, such as installing gcc version

I may have installed development headers of some kind, I don't recall.
It's also possible that the issue only occurs on some hardware. My
hardware detects as k7 (though it is actually a Turion 64 running in
32 bit mode).

Do I recall correctly that you have a Core 2, Jeff?

Can we also compare assembler versions (as -v). I have:

GNU assembler version 2.17.50 (i686-pc-cygwin) using BFD version
2.17.50 20060817


2009/4/9 Jeff Gilchrist <>:
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 4:14 AM, Bill Hart <> wrote:
>> I'm going to downgrade the bug we have listed in trac for cygwin32
>> from a blocker, as it only appears to affect old versions of Cygwin.
>> I'm not totally sure we can do anything for such setups.
> The cygwin I have that is experiencing this problem is on my newest
> machine that I built in September 2008.  I installed cygwin on
> November 13, 2008 so how old do you consider "old" to be?
> By default cygwin still installs gcc v3 and you can also tell it to
> install gcc v4 along-side.  Am I seeing this because I'm using the
> default gcc v3 an if I used gcc v4 the problem would go away?  Or how
> did you set up your "new" cygwin so it works?
> Jeff.
> >

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