We've got to narrow this down

we know it not the asm file
try swapping gmp's c file for mpir c file and visa versa and see if we can 
determine if it's the c file or the script config.guess

Clutching at straws

On Tuesday 21 April 2009 11:06:39 Jeff Gilchrist wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 2:20 AM, Jason Moxham <ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com> 
> > Your attatched gmp dummy32bit asm file is exactly the same as mpir
> > dummy32bit asm file , so it must be either our C file , which has only
> > one main , or how we call the compiler , again exactly the same as gmp
> >
> > I have NO IDEA whats going on
> You are right, the asm file is the same, and it seems the compiler is
> called the same way but the .c files are different.  Here is diff < is
> gmp > is mpir:
> 0a1,6
> > #define CONFIG_GUESS          1
> > #define CONFIG_GUESS_32BIT    1
> > #define CONFIG_GUESS_64BIT    0
> > #define FAT32                 0
> > #define FAT64                 0
> > #define INFAT                 0
> 2a9,19
> > // this should return the microarchitecture , NOT which code path we
> > think is best
> >
> > // use's the stringinzing directive  #x   so MODELSTR(teddy)  expands to
> > modelstr="teddy" #define CPUIS(x)      modelstr=#x
> > #define __gmpn_cpuid  cpuid
> > #endif
> > #if INFAT
> > #define CPUIS(x)      do{TRACE(printf("  "#x"\n"));CPUSETUP_##x;}while(0)
> > #endif
> 4c21
> <   char dummy_string[12];
> ---
> >   char features[12];
> 9c26
> <   cpuid (vendor_string, 0);
> ---
> >   __gmpn_cpuid (vendor_string, 0);
> 12,16c29
> <   fms = cpuid (dummy_string, 1);
> <
> <   family = ((fms >> 8) & 0xf) + ((fms >> 20) & 0xff);
> <   model = ((fms >> 4) & 0xf) + ((fms >> 12) & 0xf0);
> <   stepping = fms & 0xf;
> ---
> >   fms = __gmpn_cpuid (features, 1);
> 17a31,35
> >   family = ((fms >> 8) & 15) + ((fms >> 20) & 0xff);
> >   model = ((fms >> 4) & 15) + ((fms >> 12) & 0xf0);
> >   stepping = fms & 15;
> >
> >   #if CONFIG_GUESS_64BIT
> 18a37,40
> >   #else
> >   modelstr = "i486";// shouldn't we make this x86??
> >   #endif
> 22a45
> >       #if CONFIG_GUESS_32BIT || FAT32
> 24,25c47,48
> <         if (model <= 2)       modelstr = "pentium";
> <         else if (model >= 4)  modelstr = "pentiummmx";
> ---
> >         if (model <= 2) CPUIS(pentium);
> >         if (model >= 4) CPUIS(pentiummmx);
> 26a50
> >         #endif
> 28,39c52,76
> <         if (model <= 1)       modelstr = "pentiumpro";
> <         else if (model <= 6)  modelstr = "pentium2";
> <         else if (model <= 8)  modelstr = "pentium3";
> <         else if (model <= 9)  modelstr = "pentiumm";
> <         else if (model <= 12) modelstr = "pentium3";
> <         else if (model <= 14) modelstr = "pentiumm";
> <         else if (model <= 27) modelstr = "core2";
> <         else                  modelstr = "atom";
> <         break;
> <       case 15:
> <         modelstr = "pentium4";
> <         break;
> ---
> >         #if CONFIG_GUESS_32BIT || FAT32
> >         if (model == 1) { CPUIS(pentiumpro);break;}
> >         if (model <= 6) { CPUIS(pentium2);break;}
> >         if (model <= 13){ CPUIS(pentium3);break;}
> >         if (model == 14){ CPUIS(core);break;}
> >         #endif
> >         if (model == 15){ CPUIS(core2);break;}
> >         if (model == 22){ CPUIS(core2);break;}
> >         if (model == 23){ CPUIS(penryn);break;}
> >         if (model == 26){ CPUIS(nehalem);break;}
> >         if (model == 28){ CPUIS(atom);break;}
> >         if (model == 29){ CPUIS(penryn);break;}
> >         break;
> >         case 15:
> >         #if CONFIG_GUESS_64BIT || FAT64
> >           __gmpn_cpuid(features,0x80000001);
> >           if ( features[8]&1 ){ CPUIS(netburstlahf);break;}
> >           CPUIS(netburst);
> >         #endif
> >         #if CONFIG_GUESS_32BIT || FAT32
> >         if (model <= 6) { CPUIS(pentium4);break;}
> >         int feat = ((int *)features)[2];
> >           if (feat & 1) { CPUIS(prescott);break;}
> >         #endif
> >           break;
> 45a83
> >       #if CONFIG_GUESS_32BIT || FAT32
> 47,52c85,88
> <         if (model <= 3)       modelstr = "k5";
> <         else if (model <= 7)  modelstr = "k6";
> <         else if (model == 8)  modelstr = "k62";
> <         else if (model == 9)  modelstr = "k63";
> <         else if (model == 10) modelstr = "geode";
> <         else if (model == 13) modelstr = "k63";
> ---
> >         if (model <= 3) { CPUIS(k5);break;}
> >         if (model <= 7) { CPUIS(k6);break;}
> >         if (model <= 8) { CPUIS(k62);break;}
> >         if (model <= 9) { CPUIS(k63);break;}
> 55c91,95
> <         modelstr = "athlon";
> ---
> >         CPUIS(k7);
> >         break;
> >         #endif
> >         case 15:
> >         CPUIS(k8);
> 57d96
> <       case 15:
> 59c98,99
> <         modelstr = "athlon64";
> ---
> >         if (model == 2) { CPUIS(k10);break;} // phenom
> >         if (model == 4) { CPUIS(k10);break;} //phenom II
> 61c101
> <       }
> ---
> >         }
> 62a103
> >   #if CONFIG_GUESS_32 || FAT32
> 72,74c113,114
> <         if (model < 9)        modelstr = "viac3";
> <         else                  modelstr = "viac32";
> <         break;
> ---
> >         if (model < 9) { CPUIS(viac3);break;}
> >         CPUIS(viac32);break;
> 77c117
> <
> ---
> >   #endif
> 79,80c119
> <   return 0;
> < }
> ---
> >   return 0;}

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