2010/1/30 Dr. David Kirkby <david.kir...@onetel.net>:
> Bill Hart wrote:
>> Cause of what David? MPIR 1.3.0 works absolutely fine on t2 if you set
>> the library paths correctly.
> I'm not convinced it should be necessary to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH like that.
> It is not with other 64-bit applications. But I may be mistaken

That's bullshit.

If you don't want to change LD_LIBRARY_PATH, change LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64
as I explained.

Look it's this bloody simple:

1) GCC ****NEEDS****** complicated binaries to link against libgcc
(read the supplied references online or google it yourself)

2) Thus the linker ****NEEDS******* the path to the 64 bit libgcc in
the path (you still haven't even fixed that problem on t2!!)

3) You can safely put the path in LD_LIBRARY_PATH (read the supplied
quote *from the SUN documentation* to prove that or google it

OR (for the paranoid who don't believe Sun's own documentation)

4) You can put the path in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64, but if you do so,
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is ****overridden**** by LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 by the
linker, so in order not to break libraries like MPIR (and for the
record, every version of GMP ever released) and others which use
libtool for make check, you *must* put $LD_LIBRARY_PATH in

If you don't believe me, find me even a single library which has a
make check that uses libtool wrappers for the test programs that
passes make check on Solaris 64 bit on t2.

I am too frustrated to continue this conversation. Sort it out between
yourselves, and if some patch needs to be applied to MPIR, send it to
me. From my point of view the ticket is closed and MPIR now builds on
Solaris Sparc 64 bit.


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