Sorry, I pressed send before sanitising. I didn't intend to post the
expletives. Apologies for any offence.

I am just a bit frustrated at the moment, probably for reasons that
have nothing to do with this conversation, sorry.


2010/1/30 Bill Hart <>:
> 2010/1/30 Dr. David Kirkby <>:
>> Bill Hart wrote:
>>> Cause of what David? MPIR 1.3.0 works absolutely fine on t2 if you set
>>> the library paths correctly.
>> I'm not convinced it should be necessary to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH like that.
>> It is not with other 64-bit applications. But I may be mistaken
> That's bullshit.
> If you don't want to change LD_LIBRARY_PATH, change LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64
> as I explained.
> Look it's this bloody simple:
> 1) GCC ****NEEDS****** complicated binaries to link against libgcc
> (read the supplied references online or google it yourself)
> 2) Thus the linker ****NEEDS******* the path to the 64 bit libgcc in
> the path (you still haven't even fixed that problem on t2!!)
> 3) You can safely put the path in LD_LIBRARY_PATH (read the supplied
> quote *from the SUN documentation* to prove that or google it
> yourself)
> OR (for the paranoid who don't believe Sun's own documentation)
> 4) You can put the path in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64, but if you do so,
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH is ****overridden**** by LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 by the
> linker, so in order not to break libraries like MPIR (and for the
> record, every version of GMP ever released) and others which use
> libtool for make check, you *must* put $LD_LIBRARY_PATH in
> If you don't believe me, find me even a single library which has a
> make check that uses libtool wrappers for the test programs that
> passes make check on Solaris 64 bit on t2.
> I am too frustrated to continue this conversation. Sort it out between
> yourselves, and if some patch needs to be applied to MPIR, send it to
> me. From my point of view the ticket is closed and MPIR now builds on
> Solaris Sparc 64 bit.
> Bill.

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