On 27/02/2015 09:50, Pavel Holoborodko wrote:
> I am trying to compile MPIR-2.7.0-alpha12 on Windows 7 x64 using MSVC
> 2010 and Intel Compiler 14.0 (latest version) for Win32.
> The base project is "lib_mpir_p3" in build.vc10\mpir.sln
> Intel Compiler gives following warnings/error:

[snip details]
> MSVC2010 itself compiles the project fine. The issue only appear with
> Intel Compiler.
> I would be grateful for any advice.
> Thank you,
> Pavel.

Hi Pavel,

I can confirm that this is not unique to your configuration.  It ssems
that the Intel compiler does not like lines 187 to 219 in longlong.h
where there is GCC style inline assembler code included when building
with Intel C/C++ (i.e. with __ICL defined).  I suspect that some of the
constraints apply to x64 code and won't hence compile for win32.

I can see the offending assembly code but I have very limited experience
in writing GCC style inline assembler so I am not able to correct it.

Maybe there is somone else on the list who might be able to debug this
bit of code.

   best regards,


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