> From:
> Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 8:06 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [mpir-devel] Re: MPIR MinGW installation - "undefined
> reference to '_imp____gmpz_init'
>> I would like to call it from Matlab using mex files, and there, the
>> compiler complains that it does not see any ".lib" files (when
>> compiling with "mex ... -lmpir" it looks for a file "libmpir.lib") .
> [snip]
>> Compiler answer:
>> "myfile.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
>> __imp___gmpf_init referenced in function "void __cdecl myfile(double)" "
> That's interesting ... you've given the directive to link to  "-lmpir", 
> no such library is found, but instead of croaking then and there the
> process continues anyway ? (I don't know Matlab at all.)

Well, the non-presence of a library isn't necessarily a fatal error.
Anyway, it's of course better to first keep going to potentially emit
further error messages, in this case the unresolved symbols.

> [...]
> The fact that your object file is ".obj" instead of ".o" would indicate
> that it's built with a Microsoft Compiler - so, if need be, you should
> be able to build the requisite ".lib" file from the dll using your
> Microsoft Compiler installation's lib tool (as Bill has hinted).

The 'error LNK2019' certainly comes from a M$ compiler (more precisely,
its linker).

You can also use GNU Binutils' 'dlltool' to create M$-compatible import
libraries (*.LIB).


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