On Windows it is possible to link directly to a DLL but this is more 
normally done through a stub-library.

> So on a native build on Windows the mpir.dll is accompanied by the stub
>>>>> library mpir.lib.  So an app links to the stub library which then links
>>>>> to the DLL itself.  IIRC a symbol 'sym' in the DLL becomes '__imp__sym'
>>>>> in the stub library so it seems to me that the mingw/GCC build system 
>>>>> is
>>>>> not producing a stub library.
>>>> That sounds right to me. The mingw build doesn't produce a .lib file 
>>>> (stub library). You have to create one if you want to use the dll produced 
>>>> by mingw.
>>>> In fact, the stub library is apparently not required to use the dll 
>>>> with mingw, which I guess is why it doesn't create one. Internally, it 
>>>> uses 
>>>> the Microsoft linker, but I don't completely understand the precise 
>>>> mechanism. 
>>>> Bill.
>>>>    Brian
>> Ok I have tried building stub libraries (containing only one column with 
>> the names "__gmp_init" etc. of the functions used in the code, using the MS 
>> lib tool. Now using "-lmpir" or "-lmpir-16" in the mex command should find 
>> the libmpir-16.dll, which, I suppose, contains the addresses (locations) of 
>> the various function definitions, via the stub library?
> I guess that is the idea. Is your stub library named correctly now?

The stub library is now named "libmpir-16.lib" and, as it looks like, found 
when adding "-lmpir" to the mex compilation command.
gcc works fine with "-lmpir" in MinGW and apparently uses "libmpir-16.dll" 
in .libs (because it fails if remove the latter). [So I understand gcc (and 
probably mex also) also look for "libmpir-xyz.lib", where xyz is an 
integer, when being passed "-lmpir"?] 

But is the stub library (and/or the .lib file) correct? Along Brian's post, 
for eg. the required function "mpf_init" should have a '__imp__mpf_init" 
entry in the stub library "libmpir-16.def" output dump. However, these 
exact entries are not there; what I can find is eg. "__gmpf_clear" and 
"__gmpf_init = ___gmpf_set_prec_raw". Is that the same as  "__mpf_clear" 
and "__mpf_init"?  Should the "= ___gmpf_set_prec_raw" part also be removed 
when editing the ".def" file to create a .lib file? 
What about three underscores versus two? The mex error also states with 
three underscores: "...unresolved external symbol __imp___gmpf_init in ...".

It looks like the libmpir.dll does not contain the required format for the 
exported functions when I want to create a .lib file (via the MS lib tool) 
from it. Here is what "libmpir-16.def" contains after the dumpbin command 
"dumpbin /exports libmpir-16.dll > libmpir-16.def" in the DOS cmd (before 
removing the first columns containing addresses from it as described eg. 

-------- Selected contents of libmpir-16.def -------------------------------
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 12.00.31101.0

Dump of file libmpir-16.dll
File Type: DLL
  Section contains the following exports for libmpir-16.dll
           1 ordinal base
         627 number of functions
         627 number of names

    ordinal hint RVA      name
          1    0 00009430 __combine_limbs
         47   2E 00049050 __gmp_printf
         89   58 00003100 __gmpf_clear
        116   73 00004710 __gmpf_init = ___gmpf_set_prec_raw
        117   74 00004750 __gmpf_init2
        135   86 00005560 __gmpf_set = ___gmpf_set_ui
        139   8A 00005710 __gmpf_set_prec_raw

        1000 .CRT
        1000 .bss
        1000 .data
        5000 .edata
        D000 .eh_fram
        1000 .idata
        7000 .rdata
        1000 .reloc
       4F000 .text
        1000 .tls
-------------------------------- end selected content of "libmpir-16.def" 

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