
I am not sure I understand your concern. Whether an MPIR build uses 
the normal or the debug libraries is set by mpir_config.py. 

I'll try to explain about UseDebugLibrary. 

Let's consider some vcxproj generated by AppWizard. It consists of several 

Part 1) 
At the beginning it declares ProjectConfigurations - Platform and 
Configuration. Platform should be one of predefined keywords: Win32, x64, 
ARM. But Configuration can be any mixture of letters and digits: for 
example Debug, Deb, Rel, Debug_Static, ReleaseDynamic and so on. It's just 
a name. By default project has two configurations with names Debug and 

Part 2) 
Vcxproj imports a Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props file. It's one of Microsoft 
system MsBuild files (let call them "MSProps"). These files locates (at my 
computer) in "c:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120" and 
have extensions *.props and *.targets. MsProps are rather large complex 
scripts, written in BsBuild language. They contains property and item 
declarations, import directives. Many of them are conditional, i.e. depends 
on some property value. They also contains a lot of function calls (MsBuild 
and .Net). So it is difficult to understand them in details. 
In short Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props will prepare many common properties 
and items for our project. 

Part 3) 
Vcxproj declares some primary properties for each ProjectConfiguration. 
These properties are: <ConfigurationType>, <PlatformToolset> (default value 
is 'v100', so it may be omited in Msvc 10), <CharacterSet> (default value 
is 'Unicode' since Msvc 11), and <UseDebugLibraries>. These primary 
properties serves as a description of each ProjectConfiguration. 

Part 4) 
After that vcxproj imports Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props. This 
MSProps will tune the environment for ProjectConfiguration, setup many 
properties and items, specific for each ProjectConfiguration. 
How does it know what values are suitable for this ProjectConfiguration? 
MSProps get this information from primary properties, that ware declared in 
Part 3. 
If this ProjectConfiguration intended for debugging, MSProps will set 
properties and items for disabling optimization, generating DebugInfo and 
so on. 
And how MSProps get to know whether this ProjectConfiguration intended for 
debugging? Via property <UseDebugLibraries>. 
The name "UseDebugLibraries" may be confusing, it's not at all correct. In 
fact, UseDebugLibraries is just a flag to distinguish Debug and Release 

Part 5) 
This part has ItemDefinitionGroups that specify Item metadata for 
compiling, linking and so on. But all these metadata are already set by 
MSProps imported in Parts 2 and 4. So if we remove this part 5, the project 
probably will compile, builds and run, in all ProjectConfigurations. 
Because default settings, made by MSProps, are rather good and appropriate 
for every ProjectConfigurations. 
But often we need to overwrite some of these metadata (for example, 
IntermediateDir and OutputDir) or add something (for example, preprocessor 
definitions). We can do it in this part of the vcxproj, or we can do it in 
our own *.props file(s) and import them from vcxproj. 

It is desirable to have <UseDebugLibraries> in vcxproj - it provides useful 
information for imported MSProps, so they could do their work better. 
What happen if vcxproj has no <UseDebugLibraries>? MSProps will not know 
that some ProjectConfigurations are intended for debugging. It will 
consider all ProjectConfigurations as release - turn on optimization, skip 
debug info, etc. 

So I think it worth to add <UseDebugLibraries> to both new-style and 
old-style projects. 

I had rather hoped that the two solutions could be merged ... 

As for solution merging, I suppose I don't understand it. 
Old-style solution file is just a list of old-stile projects and new-style 
solution file is a list of new-stile projects. Old-style and new-style 
solution files are quite the same. How we can merge them? 
Do you intend to put both old-stile and new-stile projects into the same 
solution? Yes, it's possible if projects have different names. For example, 
new-style projects will have a '_p' suffix, as it was previously. But is 
that a good idea? I think that a large solution with duplicate projects 
will confuse users. 

But I am much less convinced about the merits of moving all properties 
into property sheets. 

With old approach each project file contains about 20 settings per each 
With new approach we have about  20 property sheets, with 1-2-3 settings in 
each. Also props files has clear names (it's  clear, what settings are in 
common.dll.debug.props) and all located in one place - props_common 
directory. And projects contain no settings - only primary properties. 

I suppose two building approaches may exist concurrently. User accustomed 
to old approach could use old solutions as the did previously. 

Best regards, 

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