See response below.
>I hope Becker's earlier reminder doesn't get lost: The City Finance Director 
>serves the will of the Mayor AND the Council. If a resident doesn't want 
>publicly funded stadia ( I don't), one should worry more about the political 
>bent of their CM's and the mayor than about this aspect of the finance 
>director's experience. The finance director's role is to provide excellent 
>financial management and advice to the City, not to cook up grandiose 
>initiatives to force down the unwilling throats of city leaders and 
>residents. The finance director manages and advises. 
>Ann Berget
>Kingfield 10-10
All being quite true; however, the finance director is influential.  The 
director's advisories regarding the financial feasibility respecting any 
particular project can and sometimes does swing the support on the CC to 
positive or to negative.  I neglect the neutral to keep the post shorter.

John Ferman
Harriet Avenue
Kingfield Neighborhood
Ward 10 Pct 10

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