Those jumping to conclusions about the new finance director may indeed be 
awkward and lacking in knowledge about the way government functions and is 
finessed. But their motivation is understandable even to those who don't 
agree with their methods. Government officials at the state and local level 
have been repeatedly trying to jam a new stadium/ballpark down our throats, 
despite the tenuous financial condition of the city budget and the staunch, 
overwhelming opposition of the populace. 
Is there any doubt that popular will is opposed to a stadium? Is there any 
doubt that any theoretical benefits such a stadium would bring have been 
fully aired? The brouhaha over the new finance director is totally based on 
the suspicion and frustration many felt when they picked up the newspaper and 
saw that elected officials had the gall to raise the issue yet again. Those 
who scold list members for their impertinent comments might better spend 
their time going to these wonderfully capable people they know and advising 
them that anger over repeated stadium proposals is real, and that so 
blatantly disrespecting the people they serve is not likely to lead down the 
path of continued civil discourse.

Britt Robson

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