In a message dated 11/22/2000 6:34:50 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< But, if and when, Pat Born begins to broker a new deal for the twins or 
 the vikings, or both, let's all refer to this discussion.  Hopefully that 
 won't happen, but if it does, I'd like to have a nice talk about integrity, 
 honesty, motives and agendas.  >>

The City Finance Director doesn't broker political deals... he's a City 
employee, and primarily responsible for providing financial advice and 
recommendations to the Mayor, the  City Council and other Department heads.  
Decisions for or against using city subsidies for a sports stadium, a Target 
on the Mall, or a BlockE project rest with the Mayor and the City Council, 
and in-the-end with city voters.  If our elected Council members or Mayor 
request his opinion on financing alternatives for such projects... that's his 

M. Hohmann
13th Ward

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