Having at-large Council Members will not necessarily make "your" designated
CM more responsive.  Those who are going to work at the job are going to work
at the job.  Those who are going to "dog it" will dog it.  What it really
comes down to is people making the commitment to public service and not just
to "another job."  Those who are truly committed are most likely to be the
most responsive.  Having at-large, in my opinion, will not solve any
problems.  In fact, I think it's a mistake for the Park Board to have

At the same time, I think that 13 CMs are too many.  With the population of
Mpls being what it is, it would seem to me the number could be reduced -
probably to nine - and still make the CMs efficient.  In the "old" days, CMs
didn't even have Assistants.  That position didn't evolve until the late 70s,
or so.  Most of the Assistants do the majority of the constituent service and
the CM only becomes involved in controversial matters.  The balance of the CM
time is spent doing "the city business" whatever that might be.  The whole
structure needs to be re-examined.

Karen Collier
Linden Hills

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