It could be that she was reelected because her opponents were not that fine,
sort of a better the devil you know situation.
WMarks, Central

j burns wrote:

> I've been viewing this list for quite some time and am puzzled by the "weak
> mayor system" reference. Has anyone considered the possibility that,
> currently, Minneapolis may indeed just have a WEAK MAYOR? One who's
> invisible until there's an election in her midst? I remember at the start of
> her first term how she swore she'd never move out of her ward. A few months
> later, it was "hello Edmund Blvd". Her supporters lamented how her "little
> tiny house just wasn't adequate". Poor thing. A lot of the citizens in this
> city don't have a choice! And that little property tax fiasco at her lake
> home? It was shrugged off, by her darling husband in the Sayles Belton
> Tribune as a simple little accounting error. Aww...
> I must say, after viewing the comments on this forum, that most
> Minneapolitans don't feel she's measured up. I was puzzled why she was
> elected to a second term, and equally floored when I heard she's got the
> huttspa to seek a third. If the citizens of Minneapolis are frustrated with
> her performance, then WHO pray tell is the voting majority that keeps
> electing her?
> JBurns
> Cleveland
> >From: Annie Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [Mpls] Number of councilmembers
> >Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 13:37:15 -0600
> >
> >I am not sure there is a right or wrong answer to the question about
> >restructuring the council until it is actually tried.  HIstorically, there
> >were days when there were 26 councilmembers and other configurations which
> >I am not sure about.
> >My issue with citywide members (for any of the Boards) is about Equity and
> >balance. I believe the weak mayor system in Minneapolis leaves the Mayor
> >out there all alone trying to balance the needs of the entire city.  When
> >working within the Council member fiefdom as it operates today it is
> >extremely difficult for the Mayor to portray and bully pulpit for the large
> >city wide vision including the wants and needs of the entire city.
> >On both the city council and the Park Board, members generally follow the
> >wishes and position of the ward/district member and everyone else stays out
> >of the fray.  The advantage of the city wide member is that they can also
> >be part of that district/ward dialogue and weigh in with support, choice of
> >thinking and assessment of the needs in that particular district/ward.
> >When attending National League of Cities and visting with councilpeople
> >from all over the country... many, many, many of them are elected at large.
> >IMHO it really does even the playing field in thinking about the overal
> >needs of the city.
> >Yes, it is more expensive and harder to run city-wide but it does give the
> >citizen some options in garnering support for their projects and
> >activities. And I stated earlier the at large city wide perspective helps
> >to insure equity and balance on issues for the entire city.
> >However, it doesn't sound like anyone has a grand scheme to take some
> >wording and the concept before the charter commission in the next couple of
> >months.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >At 09:56 AM 2/14/01 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >Having at-large Council Members will not necessarily make "your"
> >designated
> > > Those who are going to work at the job are going to work
> > >  What it really
> > >comes down to is people making the commitment to public service and not
> >just
> > > Those who are truly committed are most likely to be the
> > > Having at-large, in my opinion, will not solve any
> > > In fact, I think it's a mistake for the Park Board to have
> > >
> > >
> > > With the population of
> > >Mpls being what it is, it would seem to me the number could be reduced -
> > > In the "old" days, CMs
> > > That position didn't evolve until the late 70s,
> > > Most of the Assistants do the majority of the constituent service and
> > > The balance of the CM
> > > The whole
> > >structure needs to be re-examined.
> > >
> > >Karen Collier
> > >Linden Hills
> >Annie Young
> >Ward 6 - East Phillips in Minneapolis
> >Citywide at-large Park Board Commissioner
> >Working to build a sustainable community
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