Dave Piehl wrote:

>So, is this to say that Art ran for CNIA board chair
>as a favor to Wizard Marks?  I was unaware that Wizard
>and Art had developed such a cozy relationship.
You can drop the snide routine any time David. I want CNIA to come back 
to life so we can get on with the business of the organization. Art does 
have some mastery of paperwork, he can run a meeting, and no one else 
wanted the job under the circumstances. Further, anyone who took the job 
knew that he or she would have to deal with you trashing them in this forum.
No matter how much flim-flam, ten-year old stories, spin and whatever 
else you put on it, the fact remains that Erickson has been here in 
Central 25 or 30 years, he's weathered his storms, he runs a fairly 
large institution, and has backing from the high and the mighty--like 
Colin Powell, an ex-Governor of Minnesota (Quie) and other lesser 
lights. He's not going anywhere, and he will always have to be contended 

> Regardless, Sabri's donations to Urban Ventures
>deserve some scrutiny.  
I think, at this point, the job of scrutinizing Sabri belongs to the FBI 
and like organizations. You don't have the access or skills to do it.

>Why would Sabri donate to a
>Christian organization that his business competes
Why do businessmen, particularly corporations, give to both the 
Democrats and the Republicans? It's called hedging your bets. They want 
access no matter who wins. Sabri is doing likewise.

> If there's one thing Basim has demonstrated
>over the past several years, it's that he always gets
>his money's worth.  Actually, I think that's what he
>said on the FBI tapes too - that he could "buy"
>support from councilmembers for a few thousand dollars
Daivd, you can't have it both ways. Either the man is a liar, therefore 
anything he says on tape or off it is suspect or the man's not a liar. 
Which is it? You play this either way suits your personal machinations 
each time you post on the issue. Suddenly, from your posts Sabri's words 
take on an aura of biblical truth when it suits the ax you're grinding. 
Even Sabri doesn't think his words are worth that much.

WizardMarks, Central

>David Piehl
>--- WizardMarks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>No, Erickson's chairmanship of CNIA has nothing to
>>do with Sabri. It was 
>>I who asked Art to run for the position because he
>>knows how to run a 
>>meeting. The fact that I might dislike him or his
>>politics is 
>>immaterial. The chair's responsibility is to protect
>>the process.
>>WizardMarks, Central
>>Dave Piehl wrote:
>>>I find the fact that Sabri Properties made
>>>contributions to Urban Ventures last year rather
>>>interesting, considering the kind of
>>>Basim Sabri was trying to make to former Council
>>>Member Brian Herron.
>>>It would be interesting to know if the
>>>were made before or after the motel debacle, and if
>>>that has anything to do with Art Erickson's
>>>of CNIA and Ralph Bruins involvement with the
>>>Development Committe - both are directors of Urban
>>>David Piehl
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