I'm not questioning Barb's integrity; Barb has a
history of working in the community, and setting aside
the personal agendas of whoever may have them.

Urban Ventures, on the other hand, was collaborating
with Basim Sabri on the motel issue (among other
things) around the time the "donation" was made, which
does cast suspicion on the transaction.  I'm not
"convicting" Urban Ventures on this, just requesting
scrutiny of the transaction, given circumstances that
appear very damning.

David Piehl

--- Barbara Lickness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now Now Now Now! Basim alleged that he could buy
> favors from councilmembers for a few thousand
> dollars.
> If you recall, I was one of those he alleged he
> would
> be able to buy. I can tell you that was not then, am
> not now, nor will I ever be for sale. For a few
> thousand or a few hundred thousand.  My reputation
> does not have a
> price tag. 
> Just wanted to clear that up!
> =====
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> committed citizens can change the world.  Indeed,
> it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead
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