In a message dated 10/22/03 8:36:45 PM Central Daylight Time,

When people consider cop-killers victims of police brutality (i.e. Martha

          Could you provide quotes or other evidence that supports that
statement? Thanks.
                            Jon Gorder
                            Loring Park

Jon, I can't speak for Anne's evidence, but I did see a poster this summer
protesting police brutality that listed Martha Donald as a victim.

I'm sorry, I can't remember the organization that printed the poster, but I
saw it in black and white. I believe it said something on the order of
"murdered by the police." I believe it listed several individuals from
several cities. I think Martha Donald was the only one from Minneapolis.

Sorry my recollection isn't more specific, but I clearly remember seeing her
name, face and her listed as a victim.

David Brauer

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