In a message dated 10/22/03 11:09:21 PM Central
Daylight Time, 

> CYAPB lists Martha Donald  as a life 'stolen' by law

To which Jon Gorder replied:

     Could Ms. Gross post that list here for us?
Stolen is an odd word.


I've always thought of Melissa Schmidt as a victim of
negative police behavior as well (I don't know that
'brutality' is the right word in this case.)

Before this incident, Mpls police had murdered at
least 12 people with mental health issues, the most
weel documented of which were Alfred Sanders and
Barbara Schneider.  

This created a climate where those who had mental
problems, (already unstable enough) beacme terrified
of law enforcement and the case could be made, that
this led Martha Donald to arm herself and thus led to
the tragic death of both of these women (note to John
Delmonico: I did have the family of Martha Donald in
my thoughts, and since I'm not elected to anything, I
won't be resigning from anything either.) 

The subsequent behavior of John Delmonico and the
police federation further enflamed these tensions and
we've had to deal with near riots and an extremely
tense atmosphere since.  It's only a matter of time
before Minneapolis errupts in to riots the way
Cincinatti did in 2001. 

It's unfortunate that this claimed an officer who may
have been one of the better ones (I still have yet to
be treated respectfully by any on duty Minneapolis
street cop) or any officer for that matter, but I saw
this one comming long before it happened.  

The Jerry Haaf situation, which started when police
beat and old blind man who didn't have proper bus
fair, was much the same situation.

Both incidents could have been so easily prevented by
having a police department that is accountable to the
community, behaves professionally and treats all
residents with respect.  

Tamir Nolley

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