Funny you should ask. As I write this, I am in the middle of setting up
MQIPT on my LINUX workstation to test it out. It looks easy enough, but we
will see. Right off the bat I got an error from an install shell script
complaining that it tried to install an LDAP application that conflicted
wit an already installed package. When I get it fired up, I'll let ya know
how it goes.

The main alternative is VPN. Because it is by nature, a "secure" tunnel,
SSL is not required at the MQ level. But at least for an enterprise
implementation with extremely sensitive data, a "cheap" VPN solution may
not be secure enough. I have used VPN to remotely administrate MQ in the
past, but I really don't know allot about it technically. One of the
network security folks here told me just today that while the price range
is quite wide, $10,000 + would not be unheard of to implement a VPN
solution. Of course MQIPT is free, and what's a couple of servers to put it
on? $5,000 ?

Personally, I like the MQIPT solution better (probably because I understand
it better). But on the other hand if a company has non-MQ reasons to
support a VPN into there private LAN, why not use it for MQ access as well?
performance possibly?

Anyway, good luck.... I have an MQIPT server to set up


Bill Anderson
SITA Atlanta, GA
Standard Messaging Engineering
WebSphere MQ Service Owner
770-303-3503 (office)
404-915-3190 (cell)

                      Darren Douch
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      OM>                      cc:
                      Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  MQIPT
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      02/19/2004 02:41
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

Trying to save myself some digging around.... any views on the pros / cons
of MQIPT vs. a full blown queue manager for supporting secure MQ
connections over the internet?

And are there any views (or documents) about the performance / scalability

Thanks folks.

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