Something mind boggling (to me at least  We are on MQ
server 5.3 CDS03 (unfortunately), on Windows2000.
MQCLient 5.2  on Windosw2000.

QM1 and and QM2 are in the same cluster. QM3 is
outside the cluster  and is connected to QM1.

Scenario 1: Alias queue (not cluster) on QM1:
QM1.ALIAS (base queue QM2.BASE).
            Local cluster queue on QM2: QM2.BASE

Scenario 1: Remote queue (not cluster) on QM1:
             QM3.REMOTE ( with RName= QM3.LOCAL,
RQMName= QM3)).
             Local queue on QM3: QM3.LOCAL

We have a Smalltalk application running on
developer s machine (with MQClient).  The  application
has no problem putting a message to the  remote queue
QM3.REMOTE shown in the scenario 2 (i.e. the message
gets across to QM3). Needles to say, the app can put a
message to a local queue without any problems.

However, when it tries to put a message to QM1.ALIAS
it gets a  RC 2082 (MQRC_UNKNOWN_ALIAS_BASE_Q).  The
developer can successfully  put a message to QM1.ALIAS
queue by using q.exe or amqsputc or a VB program
successfully. This tells me that there is no problem
with the cluster q name resolution. But, how come the
Smalltalk app is trying to open this alias queue for
Output the "cluster base Q" cannot be resolved.
Anyone had this problem before? I was assured that the
application is not opening it for Input (apart from
opening it for output). Because if it did, it would
have failed in scenario 1 too (as the remote queue
cannot be opend for Input).

So to summarize: how come an app can put a message to
remote and local queues successfully  but NOT to an
alias queue whose base Q is defined as cluster? Other
apps have no problem with this same alias queue

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


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