
Is this rather exhaustive list based on your own experience, or have you
simply acquired bobbee's paranoia?

Either way, this email certainly provides valuable security items that
everyone needs to keep in mind.  I never quite thought about all of these
possibilities.  A client has a trusted vendor coming directly into one of
their systems.  After having read your missive, I believe now is a good time
for me to propose a new, intermediate, more secure MQ manager for their
vendor to connect through.

Dave A.

-----Original Message-----
From: Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2004 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: MQIPT

The other company could:
Try and start 1000 connections to your listener at once, crashing him. Now
all your channels to the hub are down.
(You should have a dedicated listener for each outside company.)

Try and send command messages to your SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE, messing
with you infrastructure.
(You should set the MCAUSER on the RCVR, and give that ID the bare minimum
access only to the queues it needs to get to (this includes authority to the
QM as well as the DLQ). Maybe even stop the command server (do you really
want to do that o your internal Hun QM though?)).

Try and send messages to another application's queue.
(See above)

Try and send 100 meg message to a queue. They fill up your disk, crashing
you Hub QM.
(You should set the max message length parameter on your RCVR channel to the
smallest # that makes sense for the app)

Try and send 999,999,999 10 byte messages as fast as they can, filling up
your disk.
(You should insure they can only put messages to their queues, and set their
queues to a small max queue depth. If that fills up, or if they start
putting to a queue other than their own, causing 2035s, the DLQ starts
filling up. You don't want your Hub's DLQ full! So you set the Message Retry
Counts and Intervals on the RCVR channel. Now when a message would go to the
DLQ, it will, but only after (Message Retry Counts X Intervals) seconds.
This throttles it way back. I use 10 and 10000, so in this scenario, my DLQ
would get 1 message every 100 seconds. This effectively puts a cork on the
bad guys attempt, or the looping program. Monitor your DLQ, and you will
have plenty of time to stop the problem, with evidence in the DLQ.

You should use remote queue defs on the hub, that then point to the final
destination queues on one of your spoke QMs. And then only give authority to
put to these remote queue defs. If you don't do this, but instead rely on
Name resolution, you must give this ID access to the XMIT queue that goes to
the spoke QM. If you don't then set authority on the Spoke's RCVR MCA, they
could mess with that QM. If that spoke QM is used by lots of other apps
internally, do you really want to mess with the authorities on that channel?
Way easier to use the remote queue defs on the initial QM that they connect
to. (They will then act like a filter, insuring messages only go to the
spoke QM's queues you want)

Even with all of the above, you need SSL to verify who the other side is.
MQIPT has SSL, and will verify who the other side is. Regular SSL on the
actual channel does the same thing I suppose. But MQIPT also masks your
Hub's server and port#, since the other guy's channels point at the IP /
port that MQIPT is listening on, which then forwards the message to your QM.
I guess this is somewhat valuable. But maybe you want multiple channels, and
only want to set SSL once. Well, MQIPT will give you that tunnel, but
beware, because now ALL your channels can be accessed if they can guess the
name. Now you have to lock them down. Otherwise, it is very easy for them to
connect to SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN as mqm, or create a SNDR on their side
called SYSTEM.DEF.RCVR, and connect to your default RCVR. Any channels they
can guess the name of, have to be protected.

Seriously reconsider using your Hub as the Qm that talks to the other
company. Can you prove they can't guess the name of one of you real spoke
QMs channel names? You can't lock them all down. Even with all the above
precautions, can you be 100% certain they can't come up with a way to damage
the QM they connect to? I can't. Do you want to explain to your boss that
they crashed the Hub QM, or that they crashed their own dedicated Edge QM,
leaving your Hub up?

-----Original Message-----
From: Darren Douch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2004 6:19 AM
Subject: Re: MQIPT

Thanks for the responses.

We have an MQ hub on our 'customer' network, and are now looking to allow
other users connect to us over the Internet.

VPN doesn't appeal (to me) because a, we'd have to spend money, install and
configure it, and b, so would everyone that wants to come in.

So MQ/SSL, with an exit or two for good measure is the probable way we will
go.  That just leaves the question of whether the Internet connections come
into a new (Internet-facing) hub qmgr, or just through IPT.

IPT seems like it might be simpler to put in and administer... but apart
from that I'm struggling to see any big pros/cons.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: MQIPT

> Funny you should ask. As I write this, I am in the middle of setting up
> MQIPT on my LINUX workstation to test it out. It looks easy enough, but we
> will see. Right off the bat I got an error from an install shell script
> complaining that it tried to install an LDAP application that conflicted
> wit an already installed package. When I get it fired up, I'll let ya know
> how it goes.
> The main alternative is VPN. Because it is by nature, a "secure" tunnel,
> SSL is not required at the MQ level. But at least for an enterprise
> implementation with extremely sensitive data, a "cheap" VPN solution may
> not be secure enough. I have used VPN to remotely administrate MQ in the
> past, but I really don't know allot about it technically. One of the
> network security folks here told me just today that while the price range
> is quite wide, $10,000 + would not be unheard of to implement a VPN
> solution. Of course MQIPT is free, and what's a couple of servers to put
> on? $5,000 ?
> Personally, I like the MQIPT solution better (probably because I
> it better). But on the other hand if a company has non-MQ reasons to
> support a VPN into there private LAN, why not use it for MQ access as
> performance possibly?
> Anyway, good luck.... I have an MQIPT server to set up
> Cheers
> Bill Anderson
> SITA Atlanta, GA
> Standard Messaging Engineering
> WebSphere MQ Service Owner
> 770-303-3503 (office)
> 404-915-3190 (cell)
>                       Darren Douch
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
>                       OM>                      cc:
>                       Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  MQIPT
>                       List
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                       N.AC.AT>
>                       02/19/2004 02:41
>                       PM
>                       Please respond to
>                       MQSeries List
> Trying to save myself some digging around.... any views on the pros / cons
> of MQIPT vs. a full blown queue manager for supporting secure MQ
> connections over the internet?
> And are there any views (or documents) about the performance / scalability
> of MQIPT?
> Thanks folks.
> Darren.

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