Hi All,
We are in the process of testing the concept of QManager alias. One scenario that 
comes to mind is :
1- QM-1 sends a request message to QM-2, The MQMD will include the ReplyToQManagerName 
( QM-1 in this case), and ReplyToQName ( Dynamic Queue created by a client 
2- Client Application-2 listens on the Request Queue, process the request, and puts 
back a response on QM-2 . Application-2 in this case doesn't have any access to QM-1.
What is needed from the QM-2 Admin? In regards to Qmanager alias , XmitQ , or other 
setup. We successfully ran the same scenario using remoteQ, Xmitq , channels. however, 
when I tried to setup QManager alias, I got the famous code 2085. 

For more details on our current setup:
RemoteQ definition to act as QManager Alias : RQUEUE(QM-1.ALIAS) XMITQ(QM-1) 
XMiteQ definition: QLOCAL(QM-1) USAGE(XMITQ) 
Channel : CHANNEL(QM-2.TO.QM-1) CHLTYPE(SDR) XMITQ(QM-1) CONNNAME(sys1(1416)) 

Now the application-2 fires a command to put a response message to the QM-1 with a 
Dynamic Queue Name ( in this case PUT message to DynamicQ on QM-1.ALIAS).  What are we 
Thanks in advance for your help,

> Hossam Khedr
> GE MI Canada
> Project Symphony
> Tel (905) 858-5248
> 8*250-5248

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