Hi Khedr

You have multiple options to put around:

1) In QM-2, define a xmitq with the same name as QM-1 and off course all
associated channels.

This is the best option if your DQM is limited to QM-1 and QM-2.

2) In QM-2, define a QREOMTE with name same as "QM-1" with RQMNAME as "QM-1"
and RMName as spaces. Choose whatever transmission queue that takes you to
the QM-1.

This is best suited - if you have a one (hub) or more queue managers in
between your QM-1 and QM-2.

3) Set the QM-2 DEFAULT TRANSMISSION QUEUE to a valid transmission queue on
QM-2 which can take the message from QM-2 to the respective but "right"
queue manager and the actual resolution is somebody else job and NOT QM-2s
job (I am assuming a HUB & SPOKE architecture here)

This is preferred scenario where QM-2 is likely to get messages not only
from QM-1 but from many other queue managers (assuming it all through from a
central HUB) OR messages coming from QM-1 itself come under different queue
manager aliases. If one message comes as RemoteQMname as QM-1A, and another
as QM-1B and so on .. But physically they are all coming form QM-1.

Choose the option that is most suitable for your not only today but for
tomorrows growing needs as well.



-----Original Message-----
From: Khedr, Hossam (GEI, MORT) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 23 April 2004 4:48 AM
Subject: Qmanager Alias Definition?

Hi All,
We are in the process of testing the concept of QManager alias. One scenario
that comes to mind is :
1- QM-1 sends a request message to QM-2, The MQMD will include the
ReplyToQManagerName ( QM-1 in this case), and ReplyToQName ( Dynamic Queue
created by a client Application-1)
2- Client Application-2 listens on the Request Queue, process the request,
and puts back a response on QM-2 . Application-2 in this case doesn't have
any access to QM-1.
What is needed from the QM-2 Admin? In regards to Qmanager alias , XmitQ ,
or other setup. We successfully ran the same scenario using remoteQ, Xmitq ,
channels. however, when I tried to setup QManager alias, I got the famous
code 2085.

For more details on our current setup:
RemoteQ definition to act as QManager Alias : RQUEUE(QM-1.ALIAS) XMITQ(QM-1)
RQMNAME(QM-1) XMiteQ definition: QLOCAL(QM-1) USAGE(XMITQ) Channel :

Now the application-2 fires a command to put a response message to the QM-1
with a Dynamic Queue Name ( in this case PUT message to DynamicQ on
QM-1.ALIAS).  What are we missing?
Thanks in advance for your help,

> Hossam Khedr
> GE MI Canada
> Project Symphony
> Tel (905) 858-5248
> 8*250-5248

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