Title: FW: MQ Administration query

Hi Bharath

Scenario 1: A reset on the side of the sender channel while your receiving qmgr is down will not affect the receiving side until the receiving side comes up.  Then you just need to ensure that the sequence numbers at both sides of the channel are the same.

Scenario 2: Assuming you're talking qmgr to qmgr: Why would you want to point 3 different sender channels at the same receiver?  Only one sender would ever be able to be up at the same time.  And when sender 2 attempt to start, the sequence numbers would almost be guaranteed to be out since the receiver was synced with sender 1.  My suggestion would be to have a separate receiver for each sender.  Much better and safer.

Or are you referring to a client/server scenario?  Where 3 server connections are configured, one each from 3 different MQ clients talking to a single MQ server.  In that case there are no sequence numbers for you to worry about.

Kind regards
Yvette Carroll

-----Original Message-----
From: Bharath Ram Srinivasan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 4:25 PM
Subject: MQ Administration query


   Thought I knew what Resetting a chl was all about. But no there is a gap
which I would be happy if you could fill.

Scenario 1 : When you repoint your sender chl connectivity to a different
machine. Currently, the remote Q Mgr is not running. Would a reset on my
sender chl make an impact in the receiver chl, if I do a reset now
(Remember the Remote Q Mgr is not running) and bring up the remote Q Mgr

Scenario 2: Ideally you would like every sender to possess a corresponding
receiver. Now in our scenario, we have 1 receiver in my Q Mgr listening to
3 sender chls from 3 different Q Mgrs. Now how would a reset operation in
one of the sender chls impact the receiver or other sender chls? Also, how
does the Seq numbers become now in all the Q Mgrs.

Thank You in Advance for your inputs.

~ Bharath


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