
I have given the issue of sophisticated orchestral playback from score 
editors a lot of thought since VSL released its Performance Tool, back 
in... 2007-ish?

In the end, it all comes down to SEANS: Score Editors Are Not 
Sequencers. Should they actually be?

Score editors are geared towards visual information, like a word 
processor. Sequencers are geared towards auditory information. Even if 
the visuals of a score are meant to express sounds, both representations 
have different, and sometimes contradictory, idiosyncratic needs.

It is very difficult to keep both synchronized, that's one of the 
reasons why training classical musicians takes a lot of years. You may 
want to have a look at some projects that try somehow to achieve it, 
like Cubase, Sibelius, Finale, Rosegarden or MusE2. Do they succeed to 
the extent you would wish for?

Let's take a very basic parameter: volume, or sound dynamics. What does 
a "mp" marking mean? Does it mean the same, dB-wise, for a clarinet or 
for an oboe? For a section of four trombones? Which MIDI controls does 
an orchestral library use to change dynamics? What dynamics are 
represented in its sample data? Does note velocity/CC7 = "0" mean total 
silence, or the quietest note a player can produce, to better spread the 
full 128 range available?

Getting full control of the possibilities a sophisticated modern 
orchestral library takes a lot of tweaking. Allowing it inside a score 
editor leads ultimately to embed a sequencer in it, which tends to be 
complicated and cumbersome.

In the end, most MIDI orchestral musicians end up separating both tasks, 
accepting the fact that the audio output of a score editor has a lot of 
limitations and only taking it as an extremely rough draft, just to 
check for gross pitch or rhythm mistakes. Normally they do the score 
first, export to MIDI and then import it in their sequencer.

What if after a lot of sequencing they decide to change a note? Tough 
luck, they have to keep both representations synchronized manually.

Could it be possible to tightly synchronize a certain score editor with 
a certain sound library, in order to get more realistic performances out 
of the score's visual symbols? I think so, but I also think it would 
take a lot of sophisticated algorithmic decisions (i.e. scripting), not 
just additional mappings or event editing, and would somehow lock both 
products in a tight coupling, so any change to one of them would need a 
revision of this "virtual conductor" between them, so it would take a 
lot of maintenance.

2 €¢



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