On 09/04/16 18:25, Peter Eastman wrote:
> I really need to know whether and how to move forward with this.  I think it
> would be a useful feature.  It's certainly one that I would like to have!
> But I haven't gotten a lot of encouragement, much less advice on how to
> design/implement it.  I'm not sure how to interpret that.

If I may offer a suggestion to get things started and develop a 
proof-of-concept software, .mscz files are just zipped XML (.mscx).

You could develop an independent MSCZ to audio renderer, via the 
synthesizers/libraries of your choice. Read music symbols, generate 
events as you please, pass them to your synths via a freewheeling 
sequencer and dump the audio output to a file, or to the soundcard if 
you choose a synchronized sequencer.

I think Finale works/worked at some point like that, only with the 
renderer triggered by some GUI button, it's been a long while since I 
used it.

See what you get, if the results are promising and people start to use 
it maybe a second step can be thinking how can it be integrated within 
MuseScore interface.



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