Hallo Ivanko,

Du schriebst am Mon, 13 Aug 2012 23:11:45 +0500:

> But testing a program is a pain - after
>  a couple program starts, especially when breakpointas are set or perhaps
> ============
> For me, these are GDB & antiviral tool & DDOS from a malwared machine
> issues in most cases. The latter two vs GDB are pitiless enemies :)

Antivirus software and gdb won't go together well, that's right, but only
for Windows based machines. (Windows machines without some malware
installed don't exist - the operating system itself brings some, albeit
relatively benign ones;) But I'm working under Linux, and even without a
constantly open internet connection. And I don't expect MSE-IDE or gdb to
require a constant internet connection to exchange data with an external
host, like a lot of the current Windows programs that aren't even
considered malware for that reason. (I _would_ consider them malware for
that reason, but I'm developing embedded software, where this behaviour is
not tolerable.)

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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