On Monday 13 August 2012 17:33:39 Sieghard wrote:

> Or did you mean to save _all_ files under the new name (as is attempted
> with "new")? If so, this doesn't work out that way. I've included a patch
> against that in the modified version also.
"Save as" can be used to store the *.trp and *.trd in another directory. The 
stored values in the *.trp are not modified, they must be changed by 
the 'Edit' command afterwards.


> And, BTW, the latest IDE is _very_ unstable. The editor works ok, and it
> seems to do compilation right, too. But testing a program is a pain - after
> a couple program starts, especially when breakpointas are set or perhaps
> even more so when changed, the IDE becomes unresponsive, at least invokes
> the program only after a huge delay, if at all (often not), and has to be
> terminated and restarted to let me invoke the program again.

Any "dangerous" watch expressions?

> I got right after the first few "hangers", now it is version 7.4.1.
I use 7.3 from OpenSUSE 12.1 can you try this version?

> BTW, another "slight" annoyance concerns text cursor (caret) control.
> Lest you didn't set out to be as bug compatible to some (many) windows
> programs, I _do_ consier this as a bug:
> If you set the text cursor (caret) anywhere in the current window, then
> scroll far enough for the caret to go outside the window, and then attempt
> to move the caret using the cursor keys to navigate to another position
> shown, the display suddenly jumps around to where the caret has been
> scrolled, throwing your previous target completely out of sight and
> requiring you to again navigate to whre you wanted in the first place.
> (At least, this does not occur when shifting the text with the page up/down
> keys, as many of those misbehaved Windows programs do also...)
The caret position which can be changed by the arrow keys is the text entry 
position. A change of the caret position must scroll the caret into view, 
otherwise you will not see the text you are entering. In order to scroll the 
window use Ctrl+Up,Ctrl+Down.

> (And another BTW I just stumbled over: In the source editor, when the caret
> hit the last line and you try to go still further down, the editor leaves
> the text window and activates the line/column display. Looks weird and
> works awkwardly...)

The purpose is to allow copy/paste of source references into support mails.


PS: Maybe you should adjust your tone? Please remember, I worked more than 
20'000 hours on the project for free.

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