Am 21.09.2013 09:49, schrieb Julio Jiménez:
> What I did in the mean time.
> For ATI cards.
> Added file  /etc/modprobe.d/radeon-kms.conf
> content:  options radeon modeset=0
> Added to xorg.conf (or your xorg config file...) Device section:
> Option "AccelMethod" "XAA"
> in this way, I have MSEide working fine and have hardware acceleration.
> 3D performance is worse than using EXA but 2D is really fine. My
> perception is that it's faster using 2D than EXA. (XAA was the old and
> working acceleration method)
> Haven't tried if nouveau supports XAA
> I hope this helps other MSE users.
Thanks, I'll add it to README.TXT.


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