Hello fredvs,

you wrote on Tue, 1 Sep 2020 16:22:12 -0700 (MST):

> > Sounds interesting, but there's a question: WHAT IS
> > "mainfo.tframecomp3"?  
> And WHERE is it? 
> Huh, in the zip I give it this was a template of frame that I used for a
> other program but it is not used anymore in the new component.
> It was fixed already in the source in GitHub.

Not in the one I downloaded from there.

> Please try instead https://github.com/fredvs/msefiledialogx/

Ok, I did download this also, but the "..2" version still required this
non-existing component. May be better to withdraw this and only keep the
"x" version? That one does work alright.

But still, I have a couple gripes with it...
In the "Standard" display, the file type signs (folder icon, type text) sit
too close to the file names themselves, making them seem to be part of the
names if they're (bolded) text.
And you implemented a feature from Windows that I dislike so much that I
avoid to use any software doing it the same: you separated (ripped off)
the "extension" part of the filename and put it in a separate column
(probabely to make it easier to sort by it).
And another useless feature from Windows and other Gooeys (GUIs) was added
as well, a list of predefined directories that may or may not exist on the
target machine. Half of them do NOT exist on mine, so I just get an error
message for these. Except for "Home" (that always should exist) the other
two exist on my machine only because of some greedy software that couldn't
refrain from tampering with my setup ("Documents" by LibreOffice, and maybe
"Desktop" too). I don't use them at all. Oh yes, "Downloads". That was made
by Firefox, I think. I indeed do use that, just so that Firefox has a place
to put its downloaded files...
One slightly annoying, because unexpected, effect is it that directories
("Folders") switch position if ANY column sorting sequence is switched. I'd
find it less surprising if directories would always stay on top of the
list, but others might see that differently. Maybe a candidate for
You forgot a "Close" button on the demo winsow!

Otherwise, it's a very nice gadget, at least a whole lot more useful than
the "standard" file dialog from gtk / gnome (which I simply find annoying).
I think I will play with it some, and maybe incorporate it into my
stand-alone file requester program.

(BTW, as to the project setup: I'll never understand how anyone can be
productive using these crude, huge "standard" characters. I always set them
to something much smaller and more pleasant, like "editfontname=Lucida
Console, editfontheight=12".)

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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