Hello fredvs,

you wrote on Fri, 4 Sep 2020 20:22:02 -0700 (MST):

> Hello Sieghard (and sorry for the spelling error in my previous mail).

No problem, I'm used to such things.

> It seems that you did not try the last commits of GitHub.

Well, I got it directly from github at 04. Sep 18:53. But there was an
error shown, something that it was not possible to show last commit data.
Maybe you just made another commit concurrently?

> > But still, the "places" display stubbornly shows the non-existent  
> directories, even if they're no longer selectable.
> Ha, yes, ok, I will remove the directories from the "places" list if they
> are non-existent.

That would probabely be advantegous because it's no langer distracting.

> >  but that's not the same as_parametrizable_ - the latter term  
> Not sure to understand, do you want a menu with "Configuration" and
> configure the FileDialog like you want?
> Ok, it can be done.

No, I _don't_ want yet another runtime setting (if that's what you mean),
the existing ones are fully sufficient. I thought of a method to _preset_ a
set of display parameters (including those switchable, but also window size
and position, e.g.) from the calling program. This isn't possible now,
because the dialog form is not accessible from the calling program.
An alternative was if there was the possibility to define some "stat"
variables and a file containing them that can keep such data between
invocations, e.g. such that even the _user_ can set the window size or
the appearance of the "places" pane once for all for the given application.

> > Finally, I have a comprehension question: what is the purpose of the
> > different "kinds" of file dialogs, "fdk_xxx"?   
> If you try the last commit, you will see that there are difference in the
> caption of frames.
> > The only effect I found was that for "fdk_dir" the name of the file
> > selected is cut off  
> Hum, that was the case in old previous commit, in last commits the name is
> not cut off but replaced by the path of the file.

Isn't that the same? Or do you say here that even for directory selection
the file name stays put in the returned path now?
For a directory selection, I'd expect _no_ regular files to be selectable
at all, so it would not even be possible to return the name of one.

> > And, BTW, the "Base Directory" doesn't seem to have an effect, too.   
> Re-hum, indeed and this for the original msefiledialog of Martin.
> In fact, in place of using "basedirectory" property, it works with "path"
> property.
> I will fix this asap.

Thank you.

> Many thanks to take care of msefiledialogX.

If I find the time (this might take some, as I just have a couple other
projects to cater) I probabely will extend it along the lines of my stand-
alone file requester, which uses a rather standard file dialog having the
added capability to accept a predefined form window for display and a
number of other parameters, such as saved file and directory histories.
I'll give you notice if and when I got it done.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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