Hello Seighard

> Ok, I did download this also, but the "..2" version still required this
> non-existing component

This was a attachment, I dont have access to it and cannot delete it, please
forget it.

> In the "Standard" display, the file type signs (folder icon, type text)
> sit
> too close to the file names themselves, making them seem to be part of the

Thanks to note it, it is fixed in last commit in GitHub.

> you separated (ripped off) the "extension" part of the filename

Ok, you are right, it was not a good idea, done in last commit in GitHub.

> Half of them do NOT exist on mine, so I just get an error

Ok, check if directory exists in last commit in GhitHub

> Maybe a candidate for parametrization?

OK, added a check-box to show-hide the lateral panel.

> You forgot a "Close" button on the demo winsow!

Ok, done in last commit in GhitHub.

Lot of thanks for your attention.


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