Hallo Fred van Stappen,

vous ecrit au Tue, 1 Feb 2022 23:17:40 +0000:

> > msgid "Quit" (Signal 3): this is also used for the menu entry
(+ quite some more)
Thank you for adopting them.

> > msgid "&Raise-Break": it's function is unclear - does it mean
> > "Raise exception on encountering break point" or something else?
> Yes, I think so too but I have to confess that I never try those
> parameters, GDB + msegui is working OK for me, so did not modify yet.
> The GDB tab is the one from mseide.

After some thinking about it, it might also mean "raise _window_
(souce? debugger? another?) when encountering break point" (in
application). This might even make more sense, but which one applies?

> > msgid "Beautifier", "Verschönerer": I couldn't find a use for it,
> >   so I couldn't find an appropriate translation

If it's a _formatter_, it should be named so, IMHO. "Formatter" would
translate to "Formatierer" in german. "Beautifier" has an air of
applying decorations and special arrangemant, for me at least.

> It is for the tools code formatters Ptop and Jedi, it is the
> Verschönerer of the code. In my part, I use it after big fight and

No, that is a formatter at it's best - it puts the formal language into
a shape that let's you clearly recognize the formal structure of the
expressions. IMHO, "beautifier" is misleading here anyway.

> > Column headers of tables and tags of subform entry fields are not
> >  translatable in general
> Some are not translated because too "computer" notion to translate.
> But there are some translated, like name, directory, ...

These are the names of tabs on tabbed forms, but I couldn't find any
list column header or similar element that's translated. It looks like
these are too deeply hidden in code coming from "standard" elements.

> I will recheck this to see witch can be translated.

I had the idea to search for a central function doing output to the
"screen", something like a "drawtext" routine (and one can indeed be
found, but I didn't investigate that further yet), so together with a
generalized translation function, perhaps using the .mo file approach,
could translate _any_ string handed to it before passing it on to the

> > And there's one thing that may create a real problem with the
> > current implementation of .po file use on Linux:
> Done with Lang directory saved into the /home/.ideU.sta files with

Sorry, better forget that for Linux - as I wote in the subsequent
message, I found out some important things about storage of translation
data on Linux in the meantime that might be able to lead to a
completely integrated way to provide localization data.

> > - The "close" marks (crosses) on the editor's tabs don't work for me
> Ok, I will disabled it for the moment, I agree that it is not perfect.

Probabely unneccessary - they _are_ disabled anyway. Closing by
keyboard shortcut works, though.

> (Huh, by the way, do you have a idea how to create a msegui tab with
> close button?)

Not yet, but doesn't it work to just put them _within_ the tab element?
But I don't know how they are handled yet.

> >- Sometimes, dialogs don't appear completely within the screen area,
> >  only a corner or part of the title bar are displayed.
> Sorry but I cannot reproduce it (or I did not understand the problem).

Imagine a dialog displayed at the bottom of the screen such that _only_
its title bar is visible, and even this sticking out halfway over the
screen border. Something like this happened several times to me, and at
first, I couldn't see the dialog at all, because it was hdden below
another window.

> Ok, asap, there will be a option to make the dialog appear under  the
> mouse cursor. Did you see the option in Menu/Extra Settings : Set

This might do:
PROCEDURE tdialogform.showatmousepos;
   P: integer;
   P:= Application.Mouse.Pos.X- (Bounds_cx DIV 2);
   IF P < 0
     THEN Bounds_x:= 0
     ELSE Bounds_x:= P;
   P:= Application.Mouse.Pos.Y- (Bounds_cy DIV 2);
   IF P < 0
     THEN Bounds_y:= 0
     ELSE Bounds_y:= P;
But Martin even provided a couple ajustment functions to keep windows
completely with in the bounds of the visible screen area.

> dialog-forms as modal vs as tool? This will force all the dialog form
> to not be modal (but maybe it is not related).

No, that's not related, and I don't think that I'd like it, even.

> > Another neat thing was, if the ide main window could be positioned
> >  at a user definable place on the screen if called without an open
>   > project. Now it probabely appears always at it's design position.
> Hum, ok but how do you see that?

When the current project is closed, and the IDE is terminated
afterwards, the next time it's called it comes up "naked".

> A option in Extra Settings  with a checkbox and integer-edit is left,
> top position? Yes, if you like it.

Not nesseccary - just make it remeember its last position by means of
the stat file. It doesn't now, probabely it's window is set to appear
at the "design position", a setting to be made in the form's options
property, AFAIK, in the object inspector.

Vous ecrit au Tue, 1 Feb 2022 21:36:22 +0000:

> Already done: added "Lang Directory" filename in Settings form +
> macro {$LANGLIB} so there the choice where to store the lang po files
> (and Linux purists are happy).

See above - that may even be unneccessary. I'm already working, in a
way (today I was at a customer's site), on a .mo-translation program
(or unit), so translation can be simplified and perhaps sped up quite a

> But, I am absolutely sorry, I did not find the link of your site
> where you kindly upadated the po file...

The basic URL path is "<http://schs.de/download/mse/>", and to download
a file, you add the file name after the terminal "/" and put it into
the address field of your browser. This is a "hidden" URL, you cannot
see any content, as there is no web page for it. (On Linux, you could
use "wget" or "curl" to get the file[s].)

> About the binary version of the po files, yes, very good, I will jump
> into this once all your previous remaks are fixed.

Don't haste, it _will_ take some time, and there are consequences.
It _does_ need - even rather deep - modifications to the current
implementation. Have a look at my first attempts, and maybe you decide
even to let it be, judging it's not worth the required effort...

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