On Fri, 28 Nov 1997, Ramon Serna wrote:

> Hello!
> First of all I want to thank everybody who help me about slots signals
> in several messages. Thank to all!
> Now another question:
> Recentlly I bought a PANASONIC A1WX MSX 2+ and I have some problems with
> it (...)
> I tell you:
> This computer has only 64 kbytes of main RAM, so I tried to use my
> memmory cartrigge (1 MB) and when the computer starts, under the MSX
> logo appears something like: 'RAM: 1088 kb', so its seems that the
> computer recognize this memmory, but when I try to load any game that
> uses more than 64 kb it hangs the computer or appears a message like
> 'not enought memmory'...
> I proved to send some values to the memmory mapper and it seems that
> something goes wrong (from BASIC):
> OUT (#fe),0
> print INP (#fe)
> result: 252
> And if I sent 1, 2 or 3 the results are 253, 254 and 255 (and the same
> with or without the 1MB cartridge).
> I supose that the computer takes his own memmory mapper as the main and
> ignores the other one.
> Last thing, I tried to load COMPASS and it seems that works right, but
> only in DOS 1.x, because in DOS 2 it hangs the computer...

Seems, that your Memory mapper, or computer is broken. Have you tested
that mapper in an other slot / other computer ??

> Well, I supose that I'm not the only one who has a PANASONIC 2+, so
> maybe someone can help me.
> I need to know how can I use my memmory cartridge and if someone knows it,
> how to 'upgrade' it to 128/256/512 internally.

It should be easy to update A1WX to 256Kb, because there is free plases
for extra memory inside. I think, that you have to just put certain RAM
chips and condensators, and it should work. I have one A1WX, but I managed
to blow it up =( Now I use only its keyboard in my tR, and I think,
that I'm only one, that has black keyboard in tR =)

BTW did you know, that you can run your computer in 7Mhz, if you write :
OUT &H65,0 in basic, if I remember right. It was maybe &H64 Test it. You
can hear the difference, if you press ^G (beep)

                   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
                 / .::::::::::::::::::::::;::;  ::::.,
                / :::.:.:.:::____________:::::!.  -=- `,
                       NYYRIKKI : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Thanks in advanced.
> Saludos,
>                Ramón Serna
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> <http://mesxes.home.ml.org>
> ___________________________
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