Tristan wrote:
>At the last Zandvoort fair, I sold about 12 copies of PURE, not 
>enough to pay for the booth!. It even had a enthusiastic review in a 
>big magazine, some net advertising, so people must have known about 
>it. If I count the two years of work I spent on it, and all costs I 
>had, I think I made a big loss.

Hey, when I wanted to buy it afterall, you said you were out of disks! How
are you gonna expect to cover the costs of the booth if you don't even
prepare enough copies. ;)

>My point is, if you do it only for selling lots of copies and make 
>profits, go and develop PC software!

Heh. In the PC world, you can't sell ANYTHING... Everybody expects stuff to
be for free, and if it isn't ... crack/warez it or leave it.



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