> 6) Turn of your harddisk and pray that your computer does not crash because 
> of the possible powerpeaks

It doesn't crash. I know because I'm used to turn off my HDD, because my
power supply makes so horribble sound, that if I want to forexample make
music with MoonBlaster, it is not nice at all. :-)

BTW this is almoust plug and play, because I can turn my HDD back and
continue without probblem. :-) Ok, I can imagine, that it does not work,
if I change HDD, but so what. PC computers have also plug and pray system,
that does not usually work. :-)

                   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
                 / .::::::::::::::::::::::;::;  ::::.,
                / :::.:.:.:::____________:::::!.  -=- `,
                       NYYRIKKI : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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