At 03:23 AM 10/11/98 +0300, you wrote:

>How about can I use forexample same HDD at a same time, or do I have to be
>sure, that it is not used that time by other computer?

Unless the SCSI interfaces have a DOS2 modified for sharing harddisks (does
this exist?), you will get troubles.

The type of problems you'll get are very typical of parallel computing.
Example: both computers want to create a file in the same directory. That
process includes the writing of the file name in the directory sector. This
consists of 3 actions:
1. read directory sector
2. add new filename
3. write directory sector
When computer A performs these actions, I'll call when A1, A2, A3, when
computer B performs them B1, B2, B3.
If the two computers perform the sequence one after another, like A1; A2;
A3; B1; B2; B3, there is no problem. But a sequence like A1; B1; A2; B2;
A3; B3 is a problem:
A1: A reads directory sector
B1: B reads directory sector, which doesn't include A's file
A2: A adds filename
B2: B adds filename to directory which doesn't include A's file
A3: A writes directory sector
B3: B writes directory sector, which doesn't include A's file
The result is that the file A tried to add, is erased from the directory
only moments after it is written.

So while some of you might think that writing a partition by only one
computer is a restriction, it might actually be a safety precaution which
will ensure correct writing of data to your harddisk.

The sequence 1, 2, 3 is an example of what is called a "critical section".
The execution of a critical section by two processes should never overlap
in time. A way to fix this is to make a process (computer) lock a sector
before it is allowed to modify it. This would add actions 0 and 4 to the
0. lock the directory sector
1. read directory sector
2. add new filename
3. write directory sector
4. unlock the directory sector

Does anyone know whether the BERT interface has a DOS2 inside which
properly addresses these concurrency problems, or whether using it with 2
harddisks is simply "hoping such bad things will never happen"?


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