>The Price
>       Your Soul plus:
>       - 100 Finnish marks (about 20 US dollars) if a reservation is made
>         beforehand
>       - 130 Finnish marks (about 26 US dollars) if the entrance fee is paid
>         at the door.
>       - 20 Finnish marks if you happen to be a female, regardless of
>          whether you make a reservation beforehand or pay at the
A 80 to 110 marks discount if you happen to be a female. Are you serious?
Why? Do you not care whether the females that happen to show up are computer
weirdos like the rest of you or not? To be honest, such an offer makes me
seriously doubt if I'd really want to go, if I had the possibility to just
go to Finland to go to a computer party. It makes me feel as if female
visitors are not wanted there for being computer weirdos but for something
completely different...


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