Hi all,

Manuel Bilderbeek   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

> (...)
> I thought CALL SYSTEM can only boot from the A drive? (No matter
> what the actual drive is.)

No, you can boot from any drive in both DOS 1&2. The procedure 
depends on DOS version:

DOS1 boots -always- from the default drive, but upon _SYSTEM the 
bootsector (in which the code for loading "MSXDOS.SYS") is always 
read from drive A:
So if your default drive is B, and containing MSXDOS.SYS & 
COMMAND.COM, and you give _SYSTEM, it still won't work if there's 
nothing in drive A: at that time.
I've used 2 fixes for this in the past:
-a modified diskROM that also reads the bootsector from the default 
-or a little proggie, known as "BOOTX" (attached to diz mail)

This intercepts the bootsektor-reading after _SYSTEM, redirecting 
this to the selected drive.

Changing default-drive in DOS1 is easy:

POKE 62023,drive       with drive: 0=A, 1=B, etc.
or POKE &HF247,drive       if you prefer hex...

After _SYSTEM, DOS2 will always try first to boot from the same drive 
it booted from earlier. If that fails, it then tries to boot from the 
default-drive (bootsektor not used for boot-code anymore, only for 
deciding disk type).

If you want to boot from another drive (and from there on?), you can 
do this as follows:

1) copy MSXDOS2.SYS & COMMAND2.COM to that drive
2) select this as default-drive:

_chdrv("d:")        with d: = a:  to h:

3) make sure the drive the system booted from earlier (or A:) is not 
available, by removing the disk or so (when using a harddisk, I used 
to switch off its powersupply)

4) _system

Greetings (and to you too, Sander Zuidema !     ;-))
                .....yep, this guy is a musical genius indeed....

Alwin Henseler        ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

http://huizen.dds.nl/~alwinh/msx           MSX Tech Doc page

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   ---- File information -----------
     File:  BOOTX.BAS
     Date:  4 Feb 1999, 3:38
     Size:  669 bytes.
     Type:  Text


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