>Just curious about what any of you have as computer-history and hardware


Personal info:

Name        : Eric Boon
Age         : 30
Adres       : somewhere between the Netherlands and Germany at the moment :-)
Occupation  : senior programmer
Bank account: Postbank: 5763069 (Donations are always welcome :-))

Computer history:

Somewhere in the early 80's, my father brought home some kind of PC-like
apparatus. I think it was an CP/M machine, but I'm not sure. It had a
5 1/4" floppy drive and a monogreen 13" monitor. I played great games on
this machine: RACE and TIC-TAC-TOE (boter/kaas & eieren)! Too bad my dad
had to return this machine to his boss after a couple of weeks.  At the
end of 1982 we got a Timex Sinclair 1000T, which was a clone of the
all-famous Sinclair ZX81.
I started programming that thing and after a while also for Commodore
PET and C=64, although I've never owned either of these two machines...
I got my first MSX in 1988 when I graduated from high-school (gymnasium,
that is), a Philips NMS8250.  I still have it and it is still functional
although a little bit pepped-up :-)
Then I made the mistake to start studying Computer Science, which I've
been doing till 1997.

In the early nineties, I formed a group together with Frank Thijssen,
Rober van Ballegoy and Vincent Nas: 4TRAX. We released 3 music/demo
disks (Songbook #1, #2 and Kofferdisk) and a program to play MoonBlaster
files via Midi (4TRAX MidiPlayer).

In 1996 I picked up programming seriously for the MSX again and together
with Martin Krooshof under the name "AURORA" released two (small) games:
EXOR and Ruby&Jade.

Nowadays I also have a PC (got it from my boss) which currently runs
Winshit59 - still want to (re) install Linux, but I can't find the time
to do it :-(  As I have a programmer's job, I do not really feel like
programming in my few minutes per day spare time, which I really regret.

Current hardware:
   Philips NMS 8250 + 7Mhz, 1 MB, 2nd FDD
   Philips CM8833-II color monitor
   SCSI interface
   DOS 2.xx cartridge (thanks again Erik :-))
   32 MB HDD
   512 MB HDD (not connected, yet)
   Iomega ZIP
   FM-PAC (by Digital KC)
   Sony Mouse (_the_ one and only MSX mouse IMNSHO)

   I once owned an original Salamander (SCC!) but it got lost sometime

   Martin and I share a GFX9000 and MoonSound

   Simpl (Covox like thingie)
   Mouse/joystick switch

   Way too many

MSX History:
   4TRAX:  Songbook #1 (1992)
           Songbook #2 (1993)
           Kofferdisk  (1993)
           (I didn't do nothing on the MB MIDI replayer :-))

   Aurora: Exor
           Ruby & Jade

   Further: founded comp.sys.msx (1993? That is, I releassed the RFD and CFV)


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