On Mon, 17 May 1999, MkII wrote:

> > Besides, super-resoulution and
> >super-real-time-render and super-3D-moving and all of this
> >super-real-bullshit are really needed for having fun?? NO!!

I agree, you can have fun without all of this. Hell, I just played a
very nice, addictive game which doesn't need any of this bull
(curious ppl with a PC surf to
http://www.zdnet.com/swlib/hotfiles/25fpgames.html and click on
'Clickomania v3.5' :) )

> If that super-resolution, render and 3D moving WERE REALISTIC ENOUGH and
> their programmers HAD A BARE MINIMUM TALENT perhaps it would be a little
> fun. IMO the videogames we see nowadays (specially in the PC side) are
> little more than poorly finished overproduced aberrations.

I do disagree with you there. Not for nothing are thousands if not milions
of people waiting for Q3 to be released. Hell, I loved Q1 and Q2 too!
Can't wait to see what Q3 looks like! And as for the hardware, yes it is
expensive and programmers do make games so you need to buys these
rediculousy overpriced items. It's just a money thing, I guess :)
But the software *does* need it. The fact that no texturemapped,
z-buffered, alpha blended games have ever been written for MSX, is not the
fact that nobody knows how, just that it's impossible to create such a

> Amorphous cocktails of 3D overtextured objects which seem to be in an
> endless out-of-sync condition (depending on the cost of the gfx card) and
> are doomed to be played by most PC users in a cheap 15" SVGA monitor using
> the arrow keys and wiggling a mouse while listening to ridiculously
> unpolished samples thru a pair of ridiculous speakers.

Hmm.. it seems like yesterday I was sitting behind my cheap, around and
about, 15" black and white monitor, using the arrowkeys and wiggling my
mouse at some silly game, listening to some static coming out of my TV
speakers, resembling something like 'oh shit' on my MSX(!) ;)

> And those few who have more inches, more out-of-sync polygons per second,
> more keys, more buttons on the wiggling mouse and more watts crammed into
> the ridiculous speakers' built-in amplifier are just wasting their money
> becoming exactly the kind of radical sad geeks they think we are.

Thank you.. I feel flattered :)
Aren't all we MSX ppl geeks? sitting behind our 3.75mHz overgrown
calculator, designing more and more hardware (IDE, SCSI, Moonsound,
GFX9000) and spending an amount on it which comes close to 3dFX cards and
silly 3D-live-surroundsound-soundblastercards for PC's?
Don't worry.. I don't wish to call anybody names, because I'm just a big
a 'geek' as te rest here ;)

Conclusive, ppl spend money on PC hardware because they want to. If they'd
think they didn't need it, they'd all go out and buy an MSX at the nearest
MSX convention and play with that...

> Kiss you lot*.
> Madonna Mark Two
> * Bonus kiss and regards from Z-0 to Konami Man 8:*

Not convinced you are a girl, but welcome to the mailinglist anyways


      Patsie the sceptic ;)

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