Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro fudeba wrote:

>         Have you ever tried to use READWAV, from Ricardo Bittencourt e
> Walter Bernardo Gomes, from Brazil? So, take a look at
> http://www.lsi.usp.br/~ricardo/msx.htm. It can play WAVs which size is up to
> 100 Kb, in a MSX 1. And it uses that 1-bit resolution from the keyboard click.

        Nope fudeba Nope !

        It needs a Megaram. Who MSXer living outside Brazil has a Megaram ? Very few
ones I guess. Maybe it works with the ESE SCC Ram ?
        The WAV file must be converted to the VWZ format (4-bit PCM 11 Khz mono) with
        It uses the feature of PSG what allows you to set period 0 to the channels and
change only their volumes to use the PSG as a D/A converter. And plus the PPI
bit used to generate the keyboard click. So we have 4 bits...
>         ByE!

        FudeBye to you ! COME TO MSX Jau'99 meeting...

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