>       I tried to use this 5.5 bits trick when making MUST.
>Unfortunately, there's no way to change all 3 volumes at the same time,
>and even the small delay of 12 clock cycles introduced by consecutive OUTs
>degrade the sound...

Once more I think I got bad habits when programming the Atari ST... 8:(

The MC68000 had a special peripheral instruction that enabled setting
registers and writing values at once (MOVEP). The PSG was also memory

The 1.5 bit additional resolution definitely is not worth the frequency loss.

So we have 4 bits using just a single PSG channel. It's not that bad.

>       Some Sega Master System games do use the 5.5 bits trick, but the
>PSG of the Master isn't a true AY-3-8190. Instead, it is a SN-something,
>slower than our one (and also it doesn't have envelopes...)

But compatible?

Kiss you lot.

Madonna Mark Two
"Martin Galway means to me what Elvis meant to Sigue Sigue Sputnik"

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