MkII ha escrit:
> >> Anyway, it's not fair to compare a 1990 TR with a 1982 C64. You should
> >> compare a 1982 C64 against a 1983 MSX1 instead.
> >
> >Add a MSX2 to that...
> Why? MSX1 has already a year advantage over a C64. If you add a 1985 MSX2
> the Commodore user would add the 1985 Amiga.

Is this a MSX mailinglist or a C64 mailinglist?
Really, these 'aapje' messages have generated a lot of reactions...
Well... let's react 8)  AFAIK, MSX2, MSX2+ and MSX-TR are still MSX, and
are MSX1 compatible. Amiga is not a C64 and is not compatible with it,
so, a Commodore 64 user can't add Amiga. And if he does, then an MSX
user can add Playstation or Playstation 2 because are created by Sony...
> >> Bear in mind that a Commodore freak could very well start speaking of the
> >> 1985 Amiga. Or, provided you've spoken of the 1990 TR, even the 1990 AGA
> >> Amiga!
> >
> >Sorry to burst your bubble, but a TR is no match what so ever for a up-
> >to-date A1200/A4000 equiped with a M68060/R604 and a graphics card.
> >Those are more than capable of latest Mac/Unix/PC/etc system emulation.

A C64 freak couldn't speak of Amiga in this way. He can speak of those
'C64 with turbo CPU', but not of Amiga which is a diferent computer.

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